STRIVE working group, Edinburgh, UK, March 2012.

Research Activities

Active Research Projects

We are focused on developing and translating new imaging approaches and applying them to understanding human aging, dementia, stroke and related neurovascular diseases.

Our research activities align with three lines of research:

  • Line 1: Developing novel quantitative imaging technologies,
  • Line 2: Translating these new imaging tools to humans, and
  • Line 3: Conducting human studies that use these tools to answer important neuroscience questions.

Funding from NSERC and similar agencies supports our fundamental development activities (Line 1). CIHR and other public and private philanthropic agencies, like HSFC, support translation of these new techniques (Line 2) and conduction of larger, human studies (Line 3). See Research Funding page for details.

In practice, the Vascular Imaging Laboratory seeks to integrate knowledge across all three research lines. Through collaborations it seeks to extend the use of quantitative imaging tools to other applications (see Research Networks page).

Our principal activities include:

Line 2: Translating New Imaging Tools to Humans

Line 3: Conducting Human Studies to Answer Important Neuroscience Questions


We acknowledge and thank our funding partners who support these research activities.