The NEURO-detect Study

The NEURO-detect Study

What are the long-term outcomes of multiple concussions/mTBIs in youth?

The NEURO-detect study combines cognitive, psychological, behavioural, and vestibular measures with neurobiological correlates to better understand what happens to the brain after multiple injuries.

Current research suggests that youth with multiple prior concussions have broadly normal cognitive functioning but higher rates of post-concussive symptoms, psychological concerns, and broad complaints that they have to work harder to achieve their pre-injury level of functioning. Furthermore, neuroimaging literature suggests that a previously injured brain requires higher levels of brain activation to perform tasks, which may be a biological basis for these complaints in those with multiple prior injuries. The goal of this line of research is to better understand if there are neurophysiological markers of cognitive and psychological dysfunction after multiple concussions.

Study Status:
This study is complete and results are being published!

Sample Published Paper:
Cerebral blood flow in children and adolescents several years after concussion


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