Dorsa Moezzi

PhD Candidate

Clinical Neurosciences Department

BSc (Hons) - Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

University of Calgary, 2020

Contact information

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Office : HMRB195


I moved to Calgary when I was in grade 9, and since then, I have been obsessed with the Rocky Mountains. I completed my BSc in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology at the University of Calgary. I joined the Yong lab because I have always had a passion for learning more about MS and working in this field. When I am not at school or in the lab, I love shopping, boxing, and skiing. 


Brown, D., Moezzi, D., Dong, Y., Koch, M., Yong, V.W. Combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Indapamide Attenuates Neurodegeneration in Models Relevant to Multiple Sclerosis. Neurotherapeutics. (2021).


Dong, Y., D'Mello, C., Pinsky, W., Lozinski, BM., Kaushik, DK., Ghorbani, S., Moezzi, D., Brown, D., Melo, FC., Zandee, S., Vo, T., Prat, A., Whitehead, SN., Yong, V.W. Oxidized phosphatidylcholines found in multiple sclerosis lesions mediate neurodegeneration and are neutralized by microglia. Nat Neurosci.(2021).